I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change 
Rating: 3.5/5
Venue: theSpace @ Surgeon's Hall, Edinburgh

A hilarious and heartfelt musical that tackles modern love in all its forms. From the perils and pitfalls of the first date to marriage, children, and the twilight years of life. Set in the modern world, I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change traces the overall arc of relationships throughout the course of a life. An insightful and hilarious musical, I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change will have audience members shouting... 'This is my life!'

This one-hour show is a collection of snapshots of love; from the awkward first dates and all through the ups-and-downs of married life and how love changes and transforms with time. The format of the show might take some getting used to, as we are accustomed to linear plot lines and more cohesive one-story shows, so this being an anthology might be a hard sell for some audience members. 

And it’s maybe due to its structure that some issues start to shine through. Even though as a whole the show is very wholesome and an enjoyable watch, some of the numbers stand in stark contrast to others in terms of quality. This doesn’t come from the performance, as we see each of the actors take on different characters through the runtime, and deliver brilliant moments, but more from the material itself. It’s a shame, because there is some truly amazing work being done, ranging from 10/10 comedy to goosebumps-inducing ballads. 

The standout performances came from Brad Walwyn who managed to be laugh-out-loud funny and also brought us to tears with two of his numbers. 

Ironically, I think this review can be reduced to the title of the show: I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change (some of the numbers), only because I can see the glimpses of what this show could be, and would like to see its potential fully realised. 

You can book tickets to I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change, here.

Review by Luma

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