My Lady Parts

Author: Doon Mackichan
Release Date: 21st September 2023
Rating: ★★★★★

In My Lady Parts, Doon shares her experience on stage, screen and in real life, examining how our culture still expects women to adhere to certain stereotypes - and punishes those who don't. Doon looks at the stories we are telling and asks: what do these roles we give women tell us about their value in the society we live in? How do we hold our heads up without fear and say no to those that objectify us?

This is a courageous, vulnerable and empowering account of being a woman in an industry that has been exposed for its deep-rooted sexism.

Doon Mackichan is well known as a comedian, actor and writer; on stage and screen. When I was made aware that she was writing a book on her account of working as a female in the industry, it definitely piqued my interest.

The book is filled with anecdotes of her time on the stage and screen, and the casual (and not so casual!) sexism she's experienced over the years. Whether this be as a mother, as a comedian, as a writer, as an actor, or simply for just being a woman; like all of us females, she too has experienced it all.

I found this memoir to be unflinching and honest, and the kind of book you want everyone in your life to read; particularly other women. It's both empowering and fierce, and once you've finished, you're left wondering of all the times you yourself have been in similar situations. Situations that simply wouldn't happen if you were a man.

Something I loved about the format of the book is that each chapter starts with a casting callout, and each chapter title is given the name of a stereotype that women are given. For example, "Feisty Feminist", for simply wanting equal rights. "The Hot Lesbian", to entertain the male gaze. "The Deranged Mother", for wanting to work through pregnancy and have your children nearby once born. Basic rights that we as women have to face daily. She truly highlights the battle of being a working mum in the industry, and it's quite soul-shattering to read how, as a society, we haven't really progressed at all.

The book is fast-paced, and I found it almost unputdownable. It's easy to read in a single sitting, and I found myself revisiting chapters I particularly enjoyed. One particular stand-out moment is when Doon is describing how a major TV male stroked her bottom and said, "mmm, nice arse". The next day, she saw him again and proceeded to grab his crotch and say, "mmm, nice bollocks".  Let's be honest, one of those shocked you, didn't it? And it certainly wasn't the first part! The book is bursting with moments like this one whereby Doon attempts to throw sexism back in the faces of the people who cause this struggle daily.

"Brave" by Rose McGowan is one of my all time favourite books, and this feels very similar to that. Except grittier and more exposed. It doesn't hold back at all, which is one of the best aspects about it. If you're looking for an engrossing book that is a real eye-opener into the industry, as well as being ridiculously funny, then "My Lady Parts" is the book for you.

Have you read My Lady Parts by Doon Mackichan? I'd love to know your thoughts.

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